Mumbai, 20 March 2023 (UTN). Urvashi Rautela, who is Bollywood’s youngest superstar and the highest-paid Asian actress, has always amazed the audience with her stellar beauty and performance. Urvashi, who is very good friends with Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone, is often seen together at events or plugging a kiss on the plane whenever they hop up on each other. The duo shares a good bond Recently, Deepika Padukone dropped a BTS video from her skin preps for a makeup photoshoot of her getting ready for the 95th Oscars where the diva made the entire nation proud of her by being there at Oscars. Deepika shared her skincare prep video on social media.
Urvashi Rautela gets worried about Deepika Padukone says, “Don’t put your precious face in that sink
Urvashi Rautela, who is Bollywood's youngest superstar and the highest-paid Asian actress, has always amazed the audience with her stellar beauty and performance.