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Organically produced Kotia strawberries are now being sold in Koraput city

Organically produced Kotia strawberries are now being sold in Koraput city.

Koraput, 11 March 2023 (UTN). Organically produced Kotia strawberries are now being sold in Koraput city. Fresh strawberries were being sold in front of Koraput Coffee Point near Kalaniketan Street in the city on Friday. The price of a packet of 200 grams of strawberries has been fixed at Rs.100/-.Galipadar Strawberry Producers Union workers are found to be selling it in Koraput. Earlier we used to cultivate Mandia and Suan.

Now they are cultivating and selling strawberries on the said land, as said the farmer named Anshuman Pangi. On behalf of Koraput ITDA, strawberries were cultivated on 5 acres of land in Doliamba. Satyaranjan Mohanty, Program Manager, said that 20 acres of strawberries were cultivated in Fatusineri and Janiguda of Kotia Panchayat this year. Similarly, 7 acres of land has been cultivated in Galigabdar. Mohanty said that a stall was opened selling Kotia strawberries at the tribal fair held in Bhubaneswar this year.

Koraput – Journalist, (Trinath Patnaik).

विज्ञापन बॉक्स (विज्ञापन देने के लिए संपर्क करें)

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विज्ञापन बॉक्स (विज्ञापन देने के लिए संपर्क करें)

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